Sunday, December 21, 2014

Send thousands of SMS easily from the computer

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Q1: How does SMSCaster E-Marketer work?
SMSCaster E-Marketer is PC software installed on a computer. It works by transmitting text messages through a mobile phone connected to the computer. The text messages are in turn delivered by the phone company.
Q2: What equipments do I need?
Use your existing mobile phone and connect it to the computer. You are then ready to go!
Most smartphone such as iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry DO NOT WORK with our software. They simply do not provide a modem in Windows. Please use an old Nokia, Sony Ericsson or Motorola phone. Also you may use 3G USB dongle such as Huawei.
Q3: How do I connect my phone to the computer?
You can connect the mobile phone to the computer by:
1) USB data cable or serial data cable,
2) Bluetooth,
3) Infra red
USB data cable works best because it's the fastest. Some of them provide power to the mobile phone also (called “Charging connectivity cable”). You need to install the appropriate driver before using it. It usually comes with the cable or can be found at the manufacturer's web site.

Bluetooth is also a good choice. It's wireless, convenient and allows you to connect several phones or device at the same time. However, installing the driver and setting up the COM port need some works to do. If you are using Windows XP service pack 2 (SP2), it natively support Bluetooth dongle from CSR (Cambridge Silicon Radio).
Another issue with using Bluetooth is the confirmation at the mobile phone side whenever you try to connect to it from PC. If this cannot be suppressed, it would be very inconvenient. Luckily, Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola phones provide such features.
Using Infra-Red is feasible but not recommended. It's because the wireless range is very short, directional and unstable.
Q4: Where can I find the drivers for the USB data cable of my mobile phone?
We prepared a USB data cable driver download page for popular brands like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and Samsung. We recommend installing these drivers over the whole suite software because they are smaller in size and more up to date.
Q5: Which brand of mobile phones does SMSCaster E-Marketer support?
The GSM edition supports all major brands like Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola. In addition, it can send SMS using both PDU mode and Text mode.

The CDMA edition supports only Nokia and Motorola phone and Huawei modem.
Q6: How many message can I send in one hour?
The speed depends on your network and the length of the message:

For a 2G GSM network, it's about 600 per hour.
For a 2.5G GSM network, it's about 900 per hour.
For a 3G GSM/WCDMA network, it's about 1800 per hour.
For CDMA network:
For a Nokia CDMA phone, its about 1200 per hour.
For a Huwei CDMA modem and Motorola CDMA phone, it's about 3600 per hour.
Q7: Once I purchased a license, can I upgrade to the next versions?
You are entitled free upgrade for all future versions within the license period.
Q8: What's the difference between the "Per Computer" and "Per Phone" license types?
For “Per computer license”, the license is binded to a particular computer. You can run SMSCaster on the computer with any mobile phone connected to the computer.
For “Per phone license”, the license is binded to a particular mobile phone. You can run SMSCaster on any computer, with the same mobile phone connected to a computer. This "Per phone license” is available in the Standard Edition only.
Q9: How can I remove the AD text “Sent by SMSCaster” that is appended to all outgoing SMS?
When you order a license and enter the unlock key into the software, all those AD texts will be gone.
Q10: What's the difference between the STANDARD and the ENTERPRISE edition?
The standard edition supports sending sms with one mobile phone while the enterprise edition supports sending sms with multiple phones simultaneously.
Q11: What's command line interface?
The command line interface is for SMS automation and integration with other software. Here's the details.
Q12: Can I change or hide my phone number from the recipient?
Your phone number will be shown to the recipient and it cannot be changed or hidden.

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